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    Corridor Geodesic open alpha now available
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    Layering and parallax for 2D
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    Dynamic 2D lighting


    Corridor Geodesic Open Alpha [September 08, 2024]

    Test out early development builds for our new mind-bending puzzle game Corridor Geodesic! This is our first game project using the Unity version of the Riven Framework. If all goes according to plan, this test will confirm that the framework is ready for some heavy-duty projects!

    Best regards,

    Liz Miyuna

    Cartographer Level Editor [February 08, 2024]

    Introducing Cartographer, our new in-house level-editor for the Unity branch of the Riven Framework! Currently, Cartographer only supports making 2D maps and is meant for in-house level editing. In the future we would like to incorporate full 3D support and possibly package it up with projects to allow players to develop their own levels.

    Best regards,

    Liz Miyuna

    Riven Framework Announcement [January 05, 2024]

    We are currently working on a set of tools and templates for Unreal Engine 5 and Unity 2022 called the Riven Framework. The two versions will supply tools to make the workflow between the two engines similar, as well as to provide an identical starting point for future projects. These are features such as templates for a full title, settings menu, pause menu, and multiplayer menus for server browsers, lobby creation, and player management.

    Best regards,

    Liz Miyuna

    Website Layout Changes [August 14, 2023]

    The website is now updated with a whole new layout! The about page now has links to the Discord server, GitHub repository, and Patreon page (Which is currently a work-in-progress.)

    Best regards,

    Liz Miyuna